
How to Fix “Error Code: 100006000” in Zoom

The Error Code 100006000 (also referred to as “10006”) in Zoom generally indicates a problem where essential files like ssb_sdk.dll can’t be copied during installation. This error often happens around 90% completion and is usually due to insufficient permissions or restricted access to modify necessary files.

Other possible causes include interference from firewall settings, antivirus software, or insufficient disk space. We’ve compiled a list of effective methods that have helped many users. Follow these steps one by one to find the solution that works best for you.

1. Check If Your Disk Has Enough Space

If your disk doesn’t have enough free space, the Zoom installer may fail to extract, write, or copy essential files during the installation process. This can prevent Zoom from installing properly. To fix this, make sure the installer has enough space to complete all required tasks without errors.

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Click on This PC and check the available space on your primary drive (usually C:).
  3. If the available space is less than 2GB, you’ll need to free up some storage.

Clear Storage

  1. Press Windows + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type cleanmgr and press Enter.
  3. Select the drive you want to clean (e.g., C:) and click OK.
  4. Click on Clean up system files.
  5. Select the unnecessary files you want to delete and confirm the action.

If the space is still not enough, we have a detailed guide on How to Clean Unnecessary Files from Your Windows. Follow this detailed guide and try running the installer again to see if the issue persists.

2. Disable Windows Defender/Antivirus Software

Antivirus software, including Windows Defender, is designed to protect your computer from viruses and threats. However, it can sometimes mistakenly flag legitimate installations as potential threats, blocking or interfering with the process. Temporarily disabling Windows Defender or your antivirus software can help allow the installation to proceed smoothly.

For Windows Defender:

  1. Open Settings by pressing the Windows + I keys.
  2. Select Privacy & Security from the left-hand menu.
  3. Click on Windows Security under the Security tab.
  4. Navigate to Virus & Threat Protection.
  5. Under Virus & Threat Protection Settings, click on Manage Settings.
  6. Toggle Real-time Protection off.
  7. Once done, try installing Zoom.

For Third-Party Antivirus (Norton, Avast, McAfee, etc.):

  1. Locate the antivirus icon in the system tray (bottom-right corner of the screen).
  2. Right-click on the icon and look for an option such as:
    • Disable Protection
    • Turn Off Antivirus
    • Pause Protection
  3. Select a temporary duration (e.g., 10 minutes, 1 hour, or permanently) to disable the antivirus.
  4. Once disabled, try installing Zoom.

Note: After installing Zoom, remember to turn Windows Defender or your third-party antivirus software back on to ensure your system remains protected.

3. Extract the Installer from Compressed Files

Running the Zoom installer directly from a compressed file (like a ZIP folder) can prevent the installer from accessing all the necessary components it needs to complete the installation. Make sure to extract the installer and all its contents before running it. This ensures the installer has access to all needed files for a successful installation.

  1. Navigate to the location where you downloaded the Zoom installer (usually the Downloads folder).
  2. Right-click on the ZIP file and select Extract All….
  3. Choose the destination folder where you want to extract the files and click Extract.
  4. Open the extracted folder and locate the ZoomInstaller file.
  5. Right-click on the setup file and select Run as Administrator.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation of Zoom.
  7. Once installed, check if the issue has been resolved.


Maverick is a tech enthusiast with a bachelor's degree in Industrial Chemistry, combines his passion for technology and gaming to create engaging content. When not working, he enjoys playing video games and listening to music for inspiration.

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