Emerging Technologies

6 Ways Technology Has Changed Communication

The way we communicate with one another has been profoundly altered by technology. We’ve gone from writing handwritten letters to instantaneously interacting with anyone on the planet through text, email, and social media in a matter of years. These are six more ways that technology is transforming communication.

The way we communicate with one another has been profoundly altered by technology. We’ve gone from writing handwritten letters to instantaneously interacting with anyone on the planet through text, email, and social media in a matter of years. These are six more ways that technology is transforming communication.

We’ve become accustomed to being able to contact anybody we want, whenever we want, thanks to the widespread use of messaging programs like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and iMessage. Additionally, we tend to interact in shorter bursts than we would if we were sending an email or letter since we can reach someone instantaneously.

The way young people communicate has changed the greatest; instead of writing out lengthy sentences or phrases, they are far more likely to send a brief “text speak” message.

  • Bots and AI-powered Assistants are Becoming our New Best Friends

An increasing number of chatbots and virtual assistants driven by artificial intelligence are making their way onto the market as technology advances in comprehending human language.

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These days, we can ask Alexa to predict the weather, speak with a salesperson on an artificial intelligence-powered website, or ask the chatbot at our bank about the amount of our account. And these kinds of encounters will only increase in frequency as AI’s comprehension of human communication improves.

  • NBN and Fixed Wireless Internet Help Us Stay Connected

Being able to stay connected is more crucial than ever in the always-connected world of today. Fixed wireless internet from Swoop and NBN enables people to stay connected when it counts most, whether they are working from home or staying in contact with family and friends abroad. Super-fast speeds and incredibly dependable connections allow users to do more of the things they love without having to worry about losing connection.

  • Visuals are Becoming Increasingly Important in our Communications

People’s interest in ingesting information presented in a visually appealing fashion is seen in the emergence of visual social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. Additionally, as the amount of visual content we consume online increases, businesses will need to adjust their communications by adding more images to their website content, marketing materials, and other materials.

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  • We’re Becoming More Open to Communicating with Strangers (at least online)

Connecting with individuals worldwide who have similar interests has never been simpler thanks to the growth of social media. We’ve also become less afraid to connect and communicate with people online as it becomes more commonplace (even if we’ve never met in person).

  • We Expect Faster Responses to our Communications

We’ve grown accustomed to receiving responses to our messages almost instantly these days, as instant messaging programs are so widely utilized (within seconds or minutes). However, our expectations haven’t really changed when it comes to other means of contact, such as phone calls or emails; we still anticipate a fairly prompt answer, even though it could take hours or even days for someone to respond.

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  • In brief

All things considered, it’s evident that technology is fundamentally altering how we communicate with one another. Instantaneous communication with people anywhere in the world has become second nature to us, but this convenience has also led to longer attention spans and higher standards for timely responses.

Businesses will need to pay more attention to how customers are saying things as well as what they are saying in order to stay ahead of these changes. Ultimately, our speech is not only important, but also how we express it.


Maverick is a tech enthusiast with a bachelor's degree in Industrial Chemistry, combines his passion for technology and gaming to create engaging content. When not working, he enjoys playing video games and listening to music for inspiration.

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